TwoGether In Texas
Twogether in Texas is dedicated to increasing the well-being of children by providing voluntary marriage and relationship education skills to their parents. Through this website you can find information on how couples can access marital, pre-marital, and relationship enhancement classes. All Texans are able to utilize these services. There are no eligibility requirements. Couples that complete 8 hours of pre-marital education through one of the service providers listed on this website are able to receive $60 off their marriage license fee.
Out of the 240,000 Texans who have taken these classes, 95% of couples say they have learned skills to:
- Improve their relationship
- Increase their ability to communicate and share feelings
- Understand and feel understood by their spouse
- Disagree without fighting
- Enhance relationships with children
Because our 2,600 state wide service providers come from different backgrounds and specialties, services may vary. Contact service providers directly for specific details by using the search box on the left to find services near you.
Benefits of taking a premarital education include:
- Enhancing your communication and conflict resolution skills to enrich your relationship,
- Learning the key components of a successful marriage,
- Receiving a $60 discount on marriage license fees, and
- Waiver of the 3-day waiting period.
The eight-hour premarital class offered by instructors in your community may be available in a variety of formats including:
- One-day 8 hour class,
- Weekend events, or
- Multi-week educational series.
Classes may be led by:
- Clergy or their designees,
- Licensed mental health professionals, or
- Marriage educators.
To learn more about the qualifying marriage education opportunities in your area, simply enter the ZIP code, city, or county in the “Search for Marriage Education Services” field on the left and click search.
Once you successfully complete the premarital education class, the provider will issue you a certificate to present to your County Clerk to receive a $60 discount when you purchase your marriage license.